
“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5


【WEB取材 担当プロデューサーの一口メモ】





 ・十分に伝えることができた     ( 5.9%)
 ・まあまあ伝えることができた    (41.2%)
 ・あまり伝えられなかった気がする  (29.4%)
 ・伝えられなかった         (23.5%)



 ・相性も良さそうでいい印象である    (23.8%)
 ・まだよくわからない部分もあるがいい印象の感じがする   (57.2%)
 ・あまり良くない印象かも        ( 0%)
 ・相性が合わない感じがする       ( 0%)
 ・まだどちらとも言えない        (19.0%)


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1. Posted by short or tall ugg boots   2013年09月20日 06:43
家づくりソムリエ 〜プレ・プラ〜:“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
2. Posted by cheap nike running shoes from china   2013年09月20日 07:47
家づくりソムリエ 〜プレ・プラ〜:“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
3. Posted by kid uggs on sale   2013年09月21日 03:46
家づくりソムリエ 〜プレ・プラ〜:“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
4. Posted by brooks ugg boots   2013年09月26日 07:23
家づくりソムリエ 〜プレ・プラ〜:“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
5. Posted by miumiu バッグ サイドリボン   2013年12月22日 17:25
I felt that I might be mistaken in my conclusions about him if only from the fact that he was my enemy. Yes, I was not fond of him; and I’m sorry to say I never could care for him ? and was perhaps alone among his acquaintances in this. I could not get over my dislike of many things in him, even of his elegant appearance, perhaps, indeed, because it was too elegant. Afterwards I recognized that I had been prejudiced in my judgement. He was tall, slender and graceful; his face was rather long and always pale; he had fair hair, large, soft, dreamy, blue eyes, in which there were occasional flashes of the most spontaneous, childish gaiety. The full crimson lips of his small, exquisitely modelled mouth almost always had a grave expression, and this gave a peculiarly unexpected and fascinating charm to the smile which suddenly appeared on them, and was so naive and candid that, whatever mood one was in, one felt instantly tempted to respond to it with a similar smile. He dressed not over-fashionably, but always elegantly; it was evident that this elegance cost him no effort whatever, that it was innate in him.
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6. Posted by エルメス 長財布   2014年01月01日 04:54
“I should think it would be very grand”? she serenely kept it up, as the female American, he judged, would always keep anything up ?“to possess simply by an accident of birth the right to make laws for a great nation.”
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7. Posted by sac lancel   2014年01月09日 11:47
家づくりソムリエ 〜プレ・プラ〜:“家づくりの本音”アンケート結果公開 5 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
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